Site Survey at Flint Inks

Project Description
In preparation for a six-month trial, required for becoming an ISO 14001 environmental standard business, ink manufacturer Flint Schmidt asked Fosse Liquitrol to carry out a spillage risk site assessment.

This work, in effect part of Flint’s ISO 14001 pre-assessment planning, brought to light a number of measures that would help to improve the Wolverhampton site’s compliance with desired environmental standards.

As a result a number of Fosse Liquitrol Spillage Control measures have been employed a the site, where 10,000 tonnes of newspaper ink is produced each year. Among the Fosse Liquitrol products introduced are Four-Drum Spill Pallets, IBC Spill Pallets and Spill Kits to provide emergency response capability.

The waste storage compound bund has also been relined following the assessment, as the existing one was found to be vunerable.

“The assessment done for us by Fosse Liquitrol has proved very useful in our work towards ISO 14001. The report they produced was very helpful and we now hope to be able to commence our six-month trial at the end of this year.”
Keith Watts, Special Projects Manager at Flint Schmidt in Wolverhampton

Since completion of our Wolverhampton assessment Fosse Liquitrol has been asked to carry out a similar exercise at another of Flint’s UK plants.